The Kassai Horsearchery School consists of 10 sport associations within the Carpathian Basin, out of which one of is the Szmrecsányi Kánság. Szmrecsányi Márton was elected in 2008 for leadership within the school, who moved his team from Tahitótfalu to his own land at the North side of Lake Balaton. Our base and where we hold our trainings, competitions is placed in the village of Barnag. Our Kánság have 20 official members and a group of beginners, who prepare for their applications for membership. We are proud of our children team too, who are eagerly and diligently participating in regular trainings since years. Szmrecsányi Márton received the title of Kán on the 5th of October in 2019 and our Törzs became a Kánság.
Our Kánság is like a large family, where everyone has an important role and the children have too. For us the school is not only a place for giving and receiving information and knowledge, but much more a community, in which we share the same values. The essence of these values lay within the balance between trust and respect, the fair work and the responsibility for ones actions.
We hold horsearchery trainings weekly. Members having already a Competitors Licence, participate in competitions in Hungary and internationally. Twice every year world cups are organised at our Barnag horsearchery track, for which horsearchers prepare at training camps previously. Our competitions are the most important horsearchery events, therefore we celebrate them accordingly. The competitions are open for the public and we welcome all interested guests to view them.
Our activities are diverse in the whole year round. In line with the trainings we participate in horse- and horsearchery shows, we hold courses, clinics and shows at our Barnag base or we participate in vocational trainings. The center for horsearchery is the Kassai Valley, therefore it is important to us to participate in the life of the Valley too. At least once a year our members particpate in a training camp in the Valley. At the Horsearchery World Meetings and twice a year at the central examination days in the Valley all Törzs are present, so the members of our team are present as well.