He was born in 1978 in Budapest. His old dream came true, when in 2009 he moved to Barnag with his family, so that he could live and work with his horses at his own place and land. He is living there since with his wife, three children, horses and animals. Leaving behind his individual career he devoted his life within horsearchery for teaching and for the development of the horsearchery community. He is riding since childhood and he is practicing horsearchery since approximately 20 years, although he finished his studies as a computer engenier and as an economist. The riding basics he learned from Eőry Csilla. In the past ten years he is practicing natural horsemanship. He completed the Parelli courses at the Lovas Élet Iskola upto Level 3. He learned at several vocational training courses, such as craniosacral osteopathy and the basics of osteopathy for horses from Bettina Pratt. At the clinics of Honza Blaha he learned line free collection and the basics of line free dressage, from Christopher Dahlgren and Dr. Gőblyös István he learned the basics of Academic Art of Riding. He is member of the Kassai Horsearchery School since 2005 and since 2008 he is one of the leaders of the school. He got the title of kán in October 2019. He is the leader of the National Team of Horsearchers. He is initiated yeomanly in 2016 for his work in horsearchery by the Magyar Vitézi Rend. Since 2017 he is a member of the Academia Equitum Hungarorum, which was established by Dr. Gőblyös István. The Szmrecsányi Kánság has 10 official members at present, has a beginners group and a large team of children. He is keeping training sessions in Barnag weekly. He is holding clinics nationally and internationally regularly. He represented Hungary at a number of international competitions, such as the World Cup in Jordan, the European Championship in Verőce, the KHOW World Cup in Kaposmérő and at shows, horse shows, such as the Nemzeti Vágta (National Galopp) at the Budapest Hero Square, the OTP Bank Show Jumping World Cup in the Papp László Sportsarena, the Equifest at the Hungexpo Budapest or the Mercedes CSI in Zürich, Switzerland.